State of Florida Programs

State of Florida Program – Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA)

All State programs require a student to meet the Florida residency requirements as defined by the Florida legislature.

Florida Work Experience Program

The Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP) is a need-based program providing eligible Florida students with work experiences to complement and reinforce their educational and career goals. FWEP is a decentralized State of Florida program, which means each eligible participating college, university, Florida College (public community college), career center operated by a district school board, and educator preparation institute determines application procedures, deadlines, student eligibility, and award amount. The student will demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in time to be processed error free by the deadline specified by the institution.

Florida Bright Future Scholarships

These are academically-based scholarships that include the Academic Top Scholars, Florida Academic Scholars, Florida Medallion Scholars and the Gold Seal Vocational Scholars.These are awarded to graduating high school seniors. The award amounts are determined by the State of Florida. Students must be enrolled for at least 12 hours per week or 180 minimum clock hours per trimester.

Florida Public Postsecondary Career Education Student Assistance Grant Program (FSAG)

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) Program is a need-based grant program available to Florida residents enrolled in certificate programs of 450 or more clock hours at participating Florida colleges (public community colleges) or career technical centers operated by district school boards. Each participating institution determines application procedures, deadlines, and student eligibility.

Please visit for additional information on the State of Florida sponsored programs, grants, and services.

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